Blog Journal #4

 I decided to pick Second grade to look at and interpret the ELA standards for. Upon reviewing them, I took special interest in LS.2.5, which basically covers creativity with technology, including, recordings of students readings or writings, and drawings using technology to go along with the writings. I do feel prepared to implement this standard using my current skill set, as it involves guiding the child's use of technology with their own drawings, readings, or writings. I could easily set up a recorder station with books and writing materials for the children to engage in, satisfying the first part of the standard. 

I explored the CPALMS website and toolkit for a bit, and found some great resources provided for all grade levels. I specifically looked into the 2nd grade section, in which I found a great resource in the health section. It is an interactive video called The Flu and You, and it goes into great depth on sickness and keeping yourself healthy. I would use this in my classroom especially nowadays with COVID-19. I want my students to understand the importance of healthy habits and keeping all sickness away. 

Internet searching, especially in these times of wide internet usage, can be risky business. As a teacher, it is important to make sure what you are searching or what your kids are searching is appropriate. To do this, I will be using internet searching skills that were introduced this week such as using the advance search feature. I will also definitely be paying attention to the snippets on google for easy answers to my questions. 

"Computer Keyboard" by Ian Britton is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
