Blog Journal #3

 Copyright and fair use is something of upmost importance in the world of education. Both of these concepts have to do with ensuring that protocols are being put in place to protect the work of others. As a teacher, I would make sure my resources are within fair use guidelines, and use resources for educational use only. Also, in terms of activities I would have my kids do, they would also work with fair use pictures and resources along with create their own words and pictures. 

In my classroom and in most classrooms, problems surrounding technology will arise. In terms of decreased productivity, I would make sure to block other websites besides ones pertaining to the assignment so they could stay on task and focused. Such websites I would block would be games, social media, and anything inappropriate. Along with that, I would also find a solution to student privacy by ensuring students are not using their full names, pictures, or anything of that manner online. 

Working on the Newsletter Design assignment allowed me to practice both by creativity in words and figures. I was able to practice writing to families, which was a different writing tone then I am used to. I could improve my newsletter by spacing it out better and using better graphics. This assignment can help in my future career by helping me to practice how to speak (write) and present classroom information to parents and families. 
